PSTG Recommendations
Publication of The Medicaid Enterprise System Investment Toolkit
The Medicaid Enterprise System Investment Toolkit was developed by the Outcomes Based SS-A Working Group in 2021 and completed in March 2022. The Working Group was a collaboration of state and vendor partners working under the structure of the CMS MITA Governance Board. The MES Investment Toolkit was submitted to CMS in March 2022 as a proposed replacement for the current SS-A. While the MES Investment Toolkit has not replaced the current SS-A, the concepts, frameworks and templates in the Toolkit are supported by CMS as a future direction. The MES Investment Toolkit is published as a Work Product, not intended to replace the current SS-A. If states have questions or wish to explore the use of any part of the Toolkit, they should contact their CMS State Officer. If vendors have questions, they can reach out to PSTG.
View The Medicaid Enterprise System Investment Toolkit
PSTG Facilitating CMS MITA Governance Board Outcomes Based SS-A Working Group
CMS formally approved the Outcomes Based SS-A Working Group in 2020. The PSTG agreed to facilitate the Working Group, which was to be comprised of states and vendors. As the Working Group began its work, the question of the viability and relevance of the SS-A was continuously raised. The group questioned if it was wise to transition the SS-A from a focus on maturity to outcomes with all of the issues and challenges that exist with the SS-A. As such, the persistent questions forced the group to look at whether the SS-A should be changed or replaced.
The findings and recommendations represent the decisions that the Working Group made, and submitted to CMS for consideration.
View Key Findings and Recommendations from the Outcomes Based SS-A Working Group
PSTG and HSITAG Collaboration on MES Vendor Database Survey
PSTG partnered with HSITAG to survey our member organizations on the New England State Consortium Systems Organization (NESCSO) Medicaid Enterprise System Vendor Database. We would like to thank NESCSO for the opportunity to participate and to HSITAG for the collaboration.
View PSTG and HSITAG Joint Response to NESCSO
The PSTG Board provides recommended changes to the 90/10 Federal Funding Participation Rules, specifically to the Condition and Standards. We believe that our recommendations on behalf of the private sector will help State Medicaid Agencies (SMA) and vendors achieve business-based outcomes and transition to modern methodologies for implementing technology projects. Please contact any of the PSTG Board members for more information or to provide feedback.
View PSTG Recommended Changes to 90/10 Federal Function Participation Rules
PSTG Presentations
Recent PSTG Agile in Action Presentation at MESC 2019
PSTG Agile Best Practices Survey and Opportunity to Participate in Committee
The Agile Best Practices Committee’s mission is to engage PSTG member organizations to identify best practices that have been utilized with government partners and explore how to increase the adoption of Agile. The committee has developed a survey to gather success stories from organizations using Agile to help develop engaging educational and instructional materials for distribution to member organizations and state partners.
CMS MITA Governance Board Priorities
Thanks to all the PSTG member companies that responded to our MITA Priorities survey. The results are summarized in the file below.
The survey was conducted from January 22 through February 5, 2019 to obtain PSTG member feedback on the priorities that the CMS MITA Governance Board identified for the next two years.
The priorities included in the survey came from MITA Governance Board members. We asked our member companies if they concur with them and which they think are the highest priority. In addition to sharing the results with our member companies, CMS Data and Systems Group leadership and the CMS MITA Governance Board have been provided with the results.
Contract Terminations Recommendations Report is an 18F publication produced via collaboration with CMS’s Data and Systems Group with participation from the 2021 PSTG Board. This project—in some ways, arguably a large-scale Agile retrospective—sought to identify trends and deliver recommendations to reduce the likelihood, necessity, and impact of contract terminations.
View the Contract Terminations Recommendations Report
The PSTG Reuse Committee was chartered for 2018 to explore practical applications for reuse in modular Medicaid Enterprise Systems. The Committee met throughout 2018 and conducted primary research to identify areas where reuse could accelerate roadmaps for MMIS modernization and the gaps that need to be closed in order to make reuse a realistic option. The Committee’s report was initially presented at the 2018 Medicaid Enterprise System Conference in Portland. It was then refined based on feedback from stakeholders and changes in CMS’ direction for reuse. The PSTG Board wishes to thank Randy Browning, Cognosante, for chairing the Reuse Committee and providing leadership throughout.
View The Reuse Committee Report
"Considerations for Developing a Uniform Request for Proposals (RFP) Guide" White Paper was revised in August 2018
View the White Paper
"Considerations for Achieving the Objectives of Modularity" White Paper summarizes the results of a collaborative industry survey conducted by the Private Sector Technology Group (PSTG) and the Human Services Information Technology Advisory Group (HSITAG). White Paper was published in May 2018
View the Considerations for Achieving the Objectives of Modularity White Paper
"Considerations for the Precertification of Medicaid Enterprise Systems (MES) Modules" White Paper was published on November 22, 2016
View the White Paper
"Considerations for Regulatory and Policy Revisions Affecting Medicaid Procurements" White Paper was published on January 9, 2015
View the Cover Letter
View the White Paper
Medicaid Enterprise Systems Conference
Committee Charters